Global Warming for Busy People

Blog - Redesign - Awareness

  • Role

    UX Designer

  • Deliverables

    Stakeholder consultations, Usability Audit, Ecosystem Research, Wireframes, Wordpress Implementation, Follow Up Revisions

  • Problems

    Not enough site traffic
    Increase awareness as a social activism site

  • Result

    250% increase in page views
    1200% increase in Facebook Likes

    Visit the Site

Original Site Feedback

I met with the stakeholder to review the website in person. I took careful notes on what the stakeholder focused on and his vision for what he wanted the blog to become. I noted the major focus on the blogs given the current format and that his strong concepts on how to help people make positive change regarding global warming was buried in the navigation bar. In addition, the titles were long and confusing, so it was hard to hear the meat of his ideas.

  1. De-emphasize the blog in the landing page layout by creating a static landing page that highlighted the mission statement.

  2. Simplify the navigation and link titles.

  3. Increase the number of images and videos to create a lighter UI that still conveys the intention of Global Warming for Busy People.

  4. Create a summary at the top of blogs to increase scannability of more word dense parts of the site.

Wordpress Research

Upon researching multiple WP themes, I narrowed the options down to 5. I had my client review them and he ultimately decided on Ixion.

Why Ver.1 was Revised
  1. The layout to became disorganized as more edits were made by both the designer and stakeholder.

  2. The stakeholder learned more about marketing and usability, changing his vision of what should be done with the website.

  3. Metrics showed that most of the traffic was coming from the blog posts shared through social media, so the stakeholder wanting to bring the focus back to a blog format.

  4. The goal of the company went from becoming a non-profit to an independent blog.

Where GWFBP is Now
  1. New theme: Prosperity

  2. Maintain the same photographic interface to lighten the UI.

  3. Adapts for the blog focus while still keeping the mission statement in the forefront.

  4. Professional aesthetic with flexibility.

  5. Upgraded to Business Professional website, allowing for more options for customization, metrics, and support.

  • Website views increased by 250%

  • Facebook likes have increased by 1200%