Reputation Score X

Dashboard - Prescriptive Insights - CX

  • Role

    Lead UX Designer

  • Deliverables

    User Interviews, Findings Reports, Low and High Fidelity Mocks, Prototypes

  • Problem

    We wanted to reimagine the experience of Reputation Score and give it more meaning for our customers.

  • Result

    An actionable dashboarding experience that allows customers to understand exactly what they need to do to improve their online reputation.

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Discovering our user

I went through a series of discussions with the PM to set the objective of the project. In addition to multiple internal exercises to ensure clear vision, we also did a large number of qualitative interviews with customers to better understand their pain points and objectives with the Reputation Score page. Once we were able to understand that, we created a variety of persona types to represent the users interests and preferences across multiple industries, technical abilities, and roles to help us narrow in on what mattered most for the MVP.

Ecosystem Mapping
Current Product Review
Future Goals

Data Inventory
Qualitative Interviews

Experience Goals
Persona Creation
Pain Point Definition

Setting Objectives
Debriefing on Findings
MVP Definition

Design Mock Feedback Loop

It was an integral part of the collaboration and discovery process to create mocks and utilize them in our user research. I went through a series of feedback loops to help us define our product vision for the MVP and for the future of the product both with the PM and with our customers.

So, what were the results?

The feedback on the new Reputation Score X was extremely positive. Not only was the feedback extremely positive, it ended up shooting up to having the highest NPS score of all the products in the platform at 51 points. It was a challenging and rewarding project to work on, but it was worth it to see how happy it made our customers. I'm looking forward to what else we can add to this influential product in the future to drive more impact and give more insights.

A Visual, Concise Score Summary

This score summary not only allows you to easily see your score, but how you compare to the industry benchmark and other companies that are "best in class."

Our proprietary score allows for an easy and intuitive way to understand how your company is doing when it comes to your online reputation by aggregating a variety of factors into one easy to understand Reputation Score.

Clear, Actionable Recommendations

Our customers asked to have a more clear description of how to improve their online reputation, so that is exactly what we gave them. Recommendations informed by our industry leading machine learning engine allow us to give precise instructions on how our customers can improve their reputation score.

Informed descriptions of what makes up the score

For those who are interested in getting into the nitty-gritty of the score, they are able to take a look at our components. They describe in detail all of the factors that go into the score, how they are defined, and give you a good sense of how you are performing in each area over time.

Challenges and Solutions

The PM that I worked with was very excited about pursuing various ideas. This led to a lot of customer calls and a lot of iterations that took us in different directions. The total amount of revisions was almost 20 revisions. We eventually came to the conclusion that it was time to streamline the designs and make it functional for an MVP, which is how we ended up with the ultimate result.